We’re excited to bring you weekly improvements to our lending criteria throughout January.
This details a round up of our general criteria adjustments and make sure you keep an eye on your inbox for the following changes, coming soon:
- General;
- Affordability (week commencing 11th);
- Self-Build (week commencing 18th);
- Expat (week commencing 25th);
General criteria changes for 2021
- Firstly, we have made some exciting general changes to our lending criteria which will have a positive impact on the lending experience here at the Ipswich.
- We will now consider flats above commercial – please refer details of the property to your BDM or the help desk.
- We have increased our maximum LTV to 70% (previously 50%) where the repayment vehicle is an additional property owned by the applicants – such as BTL or a 2nd home.
Click here for more information about these changes in our latest blog. If you wish to discuss a case or have any further questions regarding our criteria changes, please get in touch on our intermediary line on 0330 123 1073.