If you or your clients haven’t registered for our free webinar yet, there’s still time. ‘Supporting employees’ mental health: Tips for controlling worry and dealing with stress’ is taking place during Mental Health Awareness Week on 10 May, 11:00 – 11:50.

Hear from our experts, Cathy Lawson and Richard Holmes, who will be sharing their advice and practical tips for HR teams and managers on how they can support their people to cope with stress and worry.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s important to support employees who may be dealing with stress and worry.
  • How employers can spot stressed or worried employees and ways they can reduce workplace stress.
  • How managers can start difficult conversations about stress and mental health.
  • Practical advice for helping employees to control worry.

You’ll receive free resources and you’ll also be able to ask the panel any of your questions during a live Q&A session. If you’re not able to attend, a recording will be sent afterwards to everyone who registered.

HR resources

We’ve created free resources for your clients relating to stress and worry which they’re welcome to share with their people. They can also watch the recordings of our previous webinars for advice on supporting employees’ physical and mental health, they’re all in one place on our YouTube channel.