Register now for the Just sponsored SOLA online training module. You will get a certificate in older and vulnerable customer care following completion of the module.

What’s it all about?

  • Working with recognised experts at the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) we have created a computer-based training tool on consumer vulnerability in later life .
  • This tool will help FI firms understand what constitutes vulnerability; identify the potential signs; and adapt working practices to ensure consumers receive appropriate care and support.
  • It is interactive, combining key information and exercises to ensure understanding of the major issues, and offers the Certificate in Older and Vulnerable Consumer Care for successful completion.

What’s the context?

  • The FCA’s 2019/20 Business Plan reminded FI firms that consumer vulnerability remains among its cross-sector priorities. The particular risks facing consumers when accessing pension savings were cited, along with confirmation of its plans to publish new guidance on how firms should identify and handle vulnerability.

A first for Just