At Leeds Building Society we’ve been working hard to improve our service to you, below are some examples of how they may impact you when submitting cases with us.

A simpler process to submit portfolio buy to let

Our process is already straight forward but we’ve just made it even easier. Simply submit an online decision in principle in the usual way and we’ll email you back with a short list of what we need next.

For more information on our portfolio buy to let criteria watch our short video or view our products.

Document Certification

Last month we removed the need to send in the certification sheet. With immediate effect when each customer on the application passes our E-ID checks, you will no longer need to certify any documents you send in relation to that case. This will further streamline our application process and make life easier for you. For all other cases our process remains the same.

In accordance with our Terms of Business for intermediaries, you are responsible for ensuring all documentation, information and evidence submitted in support of an application is accurate and, where applicable, a true and accurate likeness of the original.

Automated Valuation Service

As of 15th May 2018 we’re changing to a new automated valuation service which means we will no longer be issuing a valuation report to your customers. You will still receive an email confirming the valuation amount and re-build figure (where applicable). The acting solicitor will continue to have access to the valuation report via the LMS STAR portal.

If you have any questions please contact your BDM.