Let L&G Mortgage Club help light the spark.

We have some additional standalone Sparks webinars coming up which offer some new insights or build upon recent virtual events in more detail.

All the content will be made available via our BrightTALK webinar channel, and if you can’t make the live broadcast, then not to worry, it will be made available on-demand shortly after for you to watch at your convenience.

Whats coming up?

New RICS Guidance on Cladding & EWS1

Tuesday March 30th, 1.00pm – Register here

Following on from our previous EWS1 & Cladding webinars, our panel have reconvened to address the new RICS guidance that has been published around identifying materials used for cladding and on balconies, and a framework for valuers when considering the need for an EWS1 form.

The new guidance comes into effect 5th April 2021, so join our host Kevin Roberts and our panel to find out all about the changes to ensure you remain in the know about this key topic.

Social media for advisers – Selling your mortgage business on social!

Friday March 26th, 11.00am – Register here

Social media is the single biggest marketing opportunity available to your mortgage business – but with new platforms springing up every five minutes, it can be difficult to know where to focus your energy to drive real results.

Stuffed with up-to-the-minute tips, our 45 min session is designed to teach you your tweets from your Instas and will cover everything from copy to videos. By the end of the session, you’ll have the foundations for a simple but effective plan for selling your business on social.

The Housebuilding Community – A look at the current landscape and beyond

Thursday April 29th, 10.45am – Register here

Join Craig Hall, Head of Broker Relationships & Propositions, in conversation with David O’Leary, Policy Director at the Home Builders Federation, as they discuss a range of challenges and opportunities within the housebuilding sector such as:

  • How has the housebuilding sector recovered since re-opening 10 months ago
  • The reaction to the budget from the sector and what other support the Government should or could provide
  • The status of the supply side in terms of achieving the previously stated aim of 300,000 new homes p.a
  • The impact of the move to the new FTB Help to Buy scheme upon housebuilders
  • The potential impact of the Mortgage Guarantee scheme upon the work HBF has done with its members regarding private schemes
  • The HBF and housebuilders view on the forthcoming First Home scheme