We would like to invite you to our next Virtual New Build Forum on Thursday 11th March, 10.00 – 11.30am

Previously these events have been to a small invited audience but as part of our Club development, we would like to open the invite to all our advisers and lenders.

This meeting will give you an opportunity to get an up-to-date view of the new build market within the current climate. This invite is a placeholder notification – the agenda is currently being finalised and will be provided in advance of the forum, along with an announcement of our guest speakers.

We are running this meeting via MS Teams which has a capacity of 300. Should we hit that limit, then we will institute a waiting list. Therefore to secure your place, please ensure you register your interest ASAP.

To secure your place, please email our events manager Richard Thomas at richard1.thomas@landg.com and he will then send you a diary placeholder with the meeting link to confirm your place.

To help us mange places, please can I ask that you do not forward the diary invite / meeting link onto other colleagues. If they would like to attend the forum then they need to request a place though Richard please.