The forthcoming OLPC release (10th July) will focus on Existing Business with the new search functionality, as well as the introduction of the EWS capability so advisers can not only look up existing policies that they have written but can also view events such as DD bouncers/cancellations, etc.

As part of the next release of the OLP Connect system, I am pleased to announce that we are making some enhancements to our Early Warning System (EWS). The current EWS system will remain as it is today but please see below an overview of what to expect from the new EWS system:

  • EWS will be renamed EBAH (Existing Business Agent Hub)
  • The current EWS will run alongside EBAH for a period of time (TBC) to allow you to become familiar/comfortable with the service before we turn it off
  • EBAH will sit on OLPC and the Agent Hub service, giving immediate view of new and existing business. Simple to switch, navigate and read.
  • EBAH phase 1 launch is due to go live on 10th July, there will be a phase 2 upgrade launch in September with further functionality added
  • Information not on original EWS but on the EBAH coming in July…
    • A first attempt to collect a premium has failed – a new feature
    • A communication has been sent to a customer as the second attempt has failed
    • A customer has contacted us directly to cancel a policy
    • The policy is about to be cancelled as we’ve not received a response to our communications
  • Notes function: agents can add their own notes to record and track activity
  • Existing Policies search facility, will allow Firms to search and review any policy and its status, including phone and email address details.

Click here to see a video demonstration of the changes.

Coming in September; here’s some of the added functionality…

  • MI toolkit on performance and activity
  • New integrated Reinstatement button that seamlessly links to put the policy back on risk
  • How many policies are written in trust
  • Confirmation policy has been “saved” and reinstated
  • Providing a copy of any correspondence sent to the customer so an agent can reissue if required.

Hopefully this will help enhance your current business retention activity.