Over the last few years, we have watched as more and more companies across the globe have joined the mission to become carbon neutral.

A survey conducted by Ipsos MORI revealed that 85% of UK adults are now worried about the climate crisis*, and the UK is now working towards a target of net-zero emissions by 2050.

That’s why in December 2021 we, at MPowered Mortgages, launched our new ECO EPC range, rewarding landlords who are purchasing or remortgaging a property with an EPC rating of A, B or C. The benefits include lower rates and free valuations (for a limited period).

With the Governments proposed changes to provide a minimum ‘C’ EPC rating for all new tenancies by 2025, landlords are now faced with the task of ‘going green’ – and doing so quickly. But is improving a property’s EPC rating to reach minimum energy efficiency standards sustainable or unattainable?

Read the full article here.

Source: https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/high-levels-concern-about-climate-change-scepticism-whether-britons-will-change-behaviours