The day to day running of a business and its profitability are what a lot of business owners and directors are focused on. However many lack vital cover for certain unforeseen events and could be missing unidentified risk to their business. What would happen to a business if the owner suddenly died? What if the majority shareholder was diagnosed with terminal cancer? In fact our 2015 ‘State of the Nation’s SMEs’ research shows that 40% of businesses would cease trading in under a year if a key person died or became critically ill.

Business protection could help financially secure a business in the event of death or critical illness of a key person or owner; which is why it’s well worth talking about and less complex than people may think.

To help you and your clients better understand Business Protection, we’ve teamed up with Rough Guides and produced The Rough Guide to Business Protection. It’s a comprehensive guide giving no-nonsense, practical and clear information. Written by financial journalist Emma Simon, the guide is packed with top tips and useful information to help business owners understand the risks their businesses may face and the types of insurance products available.