Ahead of our 6th annual Business Quality Awards on 9th February which celebrate advisers that have shown outstanding commitment and best practice in client retention, we wanted to share our latest Early Warning System (EWS) claims statistics.

Our EWS is a free, secure, online subscription system that provides real-time information 24 hours day, seven days a week. The system provides notification of policies that are in danger of lapsing helping to ensure your clients receive a more personalised and proactive service. It gives you the opportunity to discuss your clients policy with them and ensure they remain covered while helping help you avoid losing clients.

In 2016 we:

  • received 607 claims from families and beneficiaries who benefited from the EWS
  • paid out £44 million in 2016 in claims as a direct result of the EWS

Since 2010 we’ve paid out a total of £180.7 million from 2,411 claims as a direct result of the introduction of the system.

For more information or to register for the EWS if you haven’t already done so, please visit our Adviser Centre.