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We know that cancer can be overwhelming and we want to be there for your clients in times of uncertainty. That’s why we’ve enhanced our support services to help make their lives that little bit easier.

We’ve taken the time to conduct our own research to really drill down to what is important to people living with cancer. The outcome of this being that our enhanced proposition works hard to meet these needs. We provide a whole host of worthwhile benefits to support your clients and their loved ones through their cancer journey – every step of the way.

Living empowered

Our new enhancements can help your clients access the information and support they need to take back control of their lives. We’ll do the legwork from the minute they make their claim so they can focus on what’s important. Because life is for living. Even when that life has been touched by cancer.

Our enhanced support:

Cancer Care Guide
Developed with Macmillan Cancer Support, this guide is packed full of useful information and tips to make your clients’ lives that bit easier.


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Cancer Care with Get Active*
Savings on products and services to help make a difference to the lives of people living with or affected by cancer.
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Dedicated Cancer Claims Team
With an in-depth understanding of what it means to be living with cancer, our expert team can offer so much more than paying your clients’ bills.
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Expert advice
Your clients can have access to a helpline to talk to one of Macmillan’s specialist cancer nurses for practical advice and support.
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Enhanced support is available to your individual, SME and large corporate
clients covered on an Aviva Private Medical Insurance policy or
Healthcare Trust scheme.Those clients who have opted to remove cancer cover
will not have access to the Cancer Care Guide or our dedicated
Cancer Claims Team.Cancer Care with Get Active is available to your individual, SME
and Large Corporate clients regardless of their level of cancer cover.
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* This service is a non-contractual benefit Aviva can change or withdraw at any time.

It takes a partnership to make living with cancer easier. It takes Aviva.

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