I’d like to share our very first LV= Income Roulette report with you. A study of people’s attitudes towards debt, savings and protection in the UK. Packed full of stats, facts and insights, did you know:

33% don’t think they could handle a personal financial crisis

and only 37% have the recommended 3 months’ of outgoings in savings.

Our research very clearly identified three significant groups who could face financial ruin in the event of unexpectedly losing their income:

  • Self-employed
  • Middle Britain
  • Generation Debt

These groups are very likely to include your existing or prospective clients – see the full story for each group in the LV=Income Roulette report

A different conversation: Income Protection

One of the key areas for action is the importance of your advice and the role of income protection. Ultimately to help people safeguard themselves against the financial and emotional effect of unexpected life shocks.

To help, below are some handy links to our award-winning range of income protection, which includes bespoke features, such as a sick pay guarantees for teachers, doctors and surgeons and fracture cover at no added cost.

Income Protection


For office workers and lower risk occupations.

Personal Sick Pay


Suitable for the 

Self-employed and those in higher risk occupations.

Budget version



Suitable for client’s on a tight budget.

Medical professionals


Cover especially for doctors and surgeons.

In the coming weeks, we’ll draw out the facts and key adviser take outs to further help boost your client conversations and protect your client’s income.

If you have any questions about Income Protection visit the IP hub, or speak to your usual LV= contact.
