Back in March, the chancellor announced a number changes affecting small businesses, including changes to business rates, NI payments and stamp duty.  The national living wage was introduced in April this year, and updates were also made to employment legislation around the right to complain at a tribunal and employing foreign workers.

What does this mean for your business clients? It means they have to be on top of not only running their business, but also ongoing changes to legislation, such as employment law. It can cost them dearly if they get things wrong!

LV= Business Care is made up of two elements; Legal advice and tax advice.

LV= Business Care – Free legal advice for the business owner

All business protection policies come with LV= Business Care. This service gives your clients access to legal experts who can answer questions on issues such as; employment law, health & safety, cash-flow disputes, lease agreements and many other business issues.

Take a look at our case studies to see how this service could help your clients.

LV= Business Care – Free tax and VAT advice for the business owner

Out tax line gives your client direct access to business tax and VAT experts made up of accountants and ex HMRC employees.

Whilst many small businesses have their own accountant, this expertise comes at a cost and the services of an experienced accountant can be very expensive.

Take a look at our case studies to see how this free advice could help your clients.

Benefit to your client

We know that small businesses spend a lot of their precious time dealing with red tape, legislation and regulatory issues, to name but a few. Legal and tax advice costs can be unpredictable, with hourly rates of £200+ per hour to speak to a senior solicitor or accountant.

Timely advice saves money and resource, and could protect the future of your clients business.

And remember!

We’ve also developed a range of calculators to help you with demonstrating the need for financial protection to your business clients. Find out more here.

If you’d like to find out more about business protection or LV= Business Care, or need some help with a current case, please contact me using the details below.

Kind regards,

Stuart Mair

Business Development Manager – Protection

T: 07968 538 514


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