Critical illness cover from LV= comes with children’s cover at no extra cost. And our cover has just got even better.

Sadly, children do get seriously ill and do suffer serious accidents, but cover with LV= means your client could receive a higher financial claim payment, than from any other provider.


Payment up to £50,000

For ten of our definitions, we’ll double the payment your client would have received from a normal child claim. This payment is up  to a maximum £50,000 (or £100,000, if the child is covered under more than one policy).

This applies if the claim is as a result of an accident, such as third degree burns or traumatic brain injury.


No survival period

We’re the only provider with a ‘0’ day survival period requirement. So you won’t have to tell your client their claim has been declined because their child didn’t survive the required number of days!

We also have no time frame on when we must receive a child claim by, leaving your client to contact us in their time, and only when they’re ready.

Additional payments

Our child cover is eligible for 19 of our 20 additional payments  (only excluding diabetes type 1). Cover only stops if we pay a full payment claim (or once they reach age 21.

Benefit to your client

A claim payment gives your client breathing space and choices, such as taking time off work to care for their child.

Charity, CLIC Sargent, report additional costs of £367 every month for parents, as a result of having a child suffering with cancer.


Every day, 10 children and young people are told they have cancer 


You can view or download our comparison document here and see how competitive our children’s cover is against other providers.


And if you missed our latest Cost of a child results, you can find out more at

If you’d like to discuss these improvements in more detail or need some help with a current case, please contact us, on the details below.


Kind regards,


LV= Protection

T: 0800 032 3962



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