Message from LV=

Straightforward underwriting – get your clients covered faster

Our fresh approach to Business Protection can help you maximise the opportunity. This includes our flexible underwriting processes, which have been designed to help you write cover faster.

You can apply for up to £2.5 million life insurance (for both business and personal cover) without supplying financial evidence, through our online application system.

Financial questionnaires

To help reduce your admin time, financial questionnaires are only needed for life insurance over £2.5 million and critical illness cover above £750,000. We don’t need a financial questionnaire for Relevant Life Cover.

A simple approach to independent financial evidence

We only need company accounts, loan offers or shareholder agreements for life insurance over £3.5 million or critical illness cover above £1.5 million. And for Relevant Life Cover, we only need proof of income for amounts above £3.5 million. This speeds up the application, saving you time and helps your client get covered faster.

Medical and non-medical evidence limits

Our competitive limits can help you write cover faster. Download our
medical underwriting limits guide and non-medical underwriting limits guidefor more details

Online tele-interview booking

You (or your client) can book in the call directly at a convenient time, through our online system. Find out more about our tele-interviewing booking system.

Dedicated Business Protection underwriters

Our team of experts will look after each submitted Business Protection case. Piecemeal underwriting means we’ll action each piece of evidence as and when it arrives. And we’ll aim to review cases on the same day (or within 24 hours), updating you throughout the application process. We’ll also go that extra mile to make sure your client gets covered, as quickly as possible. For example, we can usually arrange medical examinations with your client’s GP, although if complex additional tests are needed or this proves inconvenient, we can offer suitable alternatives.

Pre-sales support

You can speak to our Business Protection underwriters directly, helping clarify any questions you might have. They’ll support you in getting your clients covered as quickly and efficiently as possible.

To find out more about LV= Business Protection and our fair and simple approach to underwriting, please call
0800 0324 219.
Kind regards

LV= Protection Sales Team
Tel: 0800 0324 219