Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all to adapt and consider the importance of being financially resilient. But did you know that at LV= we offer affordable protection options to give your client peace of mind if the unexpected were to happen?

Back in the first lockdown in March 2020, the UK saw the majority of people’s spending habits shift to bulk buying everyday household items like toilet roll, pasta and hand sanitiser in case the supermarkets had to shut.

Your client could get all these in bulk for around £11, and yet for around the same amount they could protect their income and their financial resilience. That really would make a difference.’

For around £11 a month your client could get…


£500 a month Budget Income Protection cover (1 year claim period) more affordable IP with a shorter claim period (costs £5.19 per month)

£500 a month Family Income Benefit pays an income to dependants in the event of a death to help plug this protection gap (costs £5.71 per month)

Waiver of Premium to cover the premium for both policies if your client is unable to work due to ill health (costs £0.25 per month)

Total £11.15 a month**


Find out more about LV= Protection

*Based on a male, aged 35, non-smoker, retiring at 65, 3 month waiting period, £500 monthly benefit level cover for Budget IP (1 year claim period), £500 monthly benefit for FIB, 30 year term, level cover. Both policies guaranteed rates with waiver of premium included. ** Prices correct as at December 2020 and are subject to change. Prices will vary depending on individual circumstances.

If you would like to find out more about our Protection proposition please visit our adviser site call your usual account manager  or call us on 0800 032 4219