Our recent research, in partnership with BVA BDRC states that landlords are feeling more optimistic than they were a year ago, with the percentage of landlords feeling “good” or “very good” about their prospects being higher than they were in 2021.

This was highlighted in the latest BVA BDRC Landlord Panel research for Q1 2022, which showed that landlords felt more positive about four of the five key business indicators measured. Prospects such as capital gains and rental yields saw the biggest growth in positive business expectations for the following three months with the percentage of landlords rating their expectations for capital gains in the next 3 months as good/very good rising 9% against Q1 2021. Rental yields expectations rose 8% and The UK Private Rental Sector went up by 6% in the same period. The research also showed landlord confidence in their own letting business rose by 2% since Q1 2021. Click here to read the full story.