Did you know that at The Exeter, we provide your clients with services that add value to the core cover of their income protection policies?

Our range of membership benefits complement our products and provide your clients with free to use services to make it easier for them to access primary care.

24/7 GP Helpline

It’s no secret that the NHS is under pressure to meet the UK’s healthcare demands, you only have to open a daily newspaper to understand the scale of the problem:

  • 8 million patients visit A&E because they cannot get a GP appointment*
  • 59 million patients wait 1 week or more for an appointment**

Our GP Helpline service provides free, unlimited access to a large team of practising GPs, providing information and advice about your clients’ health concerns, or those of their family.

The service is available over the phone or via a webcam consultation, so policyholders can have a personal consultation with a GP from the comfort of their own home.

Private prescription service

During the GP Helpline consultation, your clients’ doctor may offer them a private prescription. This service provides a hassle-free way of receiving medication, without a trip to an NHS doctor. No more waiting for an appointment, time off work or needing to travel to the chemist.

With this in mind, is it time you took a closer look at The Exeter?

Our experts are ready to speak to you to help your income protection sales grow. Give us a call on 0300 123 3207 or email us at sales@the-exeter.com



*Imperial College London study, June 2014

**The Guardian.