The benefits of playing sport for children are huge, not just in improved physical fitness and health but also in self-confidence and enjoyment.

Debates around whether rugby/football and other sports in schools should be banned due to the risk of injury are often in the papers, especially around this time of year when we’re encouraging children to get outside and be active.

What are the chances of a child being injured playing school sport? MetLife research has discovered that over 17% of parents have reported spending time in A&E with their children as a result of a school sports injury in 2015/16, and over a third of parents with school aged children are concerned about serious injuries caused by sport.*

68% of our claims on behalf of children last year were due to broken bones**, as a result of kids just being kids – these things happen. Although a broken bone or time spent in hospital aren’t life changing events, they can have big consequences.

MultiProtect provides quick, no hassle financial support for a range of accidental injuries and UK hospital stays from just £7 a month, and for an additional £1 per month your clients can select our optional Child Cover benefit to protect their children too.

Here’s what one of our clients has recently said about MultiProtect

“An extremely well run, cost effective insurance policy that everyone should have. MetLife work quickly and professionally with the minimum amount of fuss and I would highly recommend them to anyone. One unit costs £8 per month and covers myself and my 2 boys. Superb all round!”

Nicholas Finan, June 2017


Download our MultiProtect Families Sales Aid and MultiProtect Families Poster 

Exclusions and T&Cs apply – view the MultiProtect T&Cs here.

*MetLife consumer research of 1,076 parents (March 2016)

**2016 MetLIfe claims  analysis


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