When everything goes like clockwork, life is fine. When the money’s coming in and budgets balance, when the family is healthy and happy – it’s still never easy, but you can take pride that you’re in control and are keeping a clear head.

When you have MultiProtect, the simple and affordable cover from MetLife, you can feel confident to live the life you love. Should the unexpected happen, and life tries to throw you off track, we will help you keep going, allowing you to pay your way, do your bit and take care of your family.

In 2018, MetLife paid 11,428 claims, with and average one 1 claim paid an hour and 10 claims paid for children every day*.

To help illustrate the valuable importance of MultiProtect for families in your appointments, download our new child accident infographic here.

Ask the team to find out more about how your clients and their families can benefit from MultiProtect, call us on: 0800 917 2221 or visit www.metlife.co.uk/multiprotect