We reduced our rates by 20bps across our fixed rate Buy to Let Mortgage Range (up to 70% LTV) at the end of 2019. All re-mortgage customers continue to benefit from two fees assisted options for properties up to £2million.

Buy to Let highlights

  • No minimum income – at least one applicant must be earning an income (other than rental) and subject to rental void plausibility check
  • Top slicing considered from earned income
  • Up to 5 properties with Metro Bank (under £5m aggregated debt), maximum 10 in total
  • Joint borrower, sole proprietor where the additional borrower(s) is an immediate family member
  • Maximum age 80 considered (mortgage term based on the oldest applicant)

For full details on the points above please refer to our Mortgage Lending Criteria Guide: www.metrobankonline.co.uk/intermediaries

So what next?

Get in touch with your BDM as they would love to come and meet you and tell you more about Metro Bank and our future plans. To find your nearest BDM, please click here or call our Broker helpdesk on 0203 427 1019