Since moving to our new case management process, mortgage applications are being processed in a more effective way, helping your clients get a quicker offer.

Improved DIP referrals

As part of our improved process, we review your client’s DIP refer decision within 48 hours.

There’s no need to provide any proofs until we provide a subjective ‘Accept’ decision, or unless we ask for further information.

If we do require further information, we may ask additional questions or request a specific proof before a decision can be given.

Benefits of case management

After changing the way we assess mortgage applications from task based assessments to a case management approach, we’ve seen the following key improvements:

Inbound telephone calls reduced by a third – We’ve empowered our people to make decisions earlier in the application process, which has reduced the number of different people who handle a case, and reduced the number of inbound telephone calls per case by over a third.

Cases are getting to offer up to two days faster – Our customer satisfaction score for cases processed via this new approach has improved by over 10%*. And on average, cases are getting to offer two days faster.

Number of proofs required reduced to three – More applications are being accepted first time resulting in fewer documents being re-requested, and less documentation overall, with the average number of proofs required per case reduced to three.

Remember – To help us assess your cases as quickly as possible, please make sure all required proofs are uploaded when you submit the full application. Please don’t attach proofs to the DIP or send proofs we haven’t requested as it could delay your application.

*Based on Customer Satisfaction Tracker scores September 2016 – September 2017