From Thursday 13 July, we’re reducing selected Buy to Let 5 year fixed rates by up to 0.15% and selected 2 year tracker rates by up to 0.30%.

We’re also improving our range of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) products. Rates now start from 2.99% and we’ve introduced a selection of 5 year fixed products.

2 year Buy to Let tracker rates starting at 1.39%

2 year tracker rates at 65% and 75% LTV reduced by up to 0.30%, starting at 1.39%

New 2 year tracker rates at 65% and 75% LTV, for remortgage only, with £1,995 fees, free standard valuation and free standard legals, starting at 1.49%

All tracker products continue to offer ‘switch to fix’, so your clients can switch to a fixed rate product at any time without incurring an early repayment charge.

5 year fixed rate reductions

Selected 5 year fixed rates at 65% and 75% LTV reduced by up to 0.15%

Changes to our HMO product range

New 5 year fixed rate HMO products, available for purchase and remortgage, with £1,995, £995 and £0 fee options, starting at 3.69%. For these products the following rental assessment will apply:

4.99% stress rate
170% interest cover ratio

2 year fixed rate HMO product at 65% LTV with a £1,995 fee reduced by 0.15% to 2.99%

Product Highlights