Buckinghamshire Building Society has launched a new, simplified product range using physical valuations which is in addition to its AVM products.

These new products offer competitive rates with:

  • up to 80% LTV for prime lending
  • up to 75% LTV for retirement
  • up to 70% for BTL
  • up to 70% for non standard
  • up to 60% for impaired

We have experienced manual underwriters who have the empowerment and discretion to make good lending decisions. We encourage brokers to call us to discuss their case with us, knowing that their customer will get a fair hearing and that our decision will be based on a good understanding of their client’s circumstances and the wider market. This allows for a sensible and pragmatic approach to lending based on each individual’s unique story.

As the market continues to adjust to the “new norm”, our manual underwriting is more important than ever, giving customers a chance to buy or remortgage their homes.

Our product range includes:

  • Retirement and RIO
  • Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor
  • Family Assist – where a FTB can benefit from family help to make that first move
  • BTL (Company, Standard & Consumer)

At a time when many lenders are withdrawing high LTV products, our Family Assist products allows a First Time Buyer to borrow 100% of the purchase price. It is designed specifically for borrowers whose parents are able to help by offering additional security. This would be in the form of a collateral charge on the parent’s property which reduces the overall LTV to 80%.

Find out more about our new range by visiting our website: https://www.bucksbs.co.uk/intermediaries/all/

Or call our underwriting teams on 01494 879500.