We are monitoring the outbreak of Covid19 (Coronavirus) closely to ensure we are taking the necessary steps to protect our colleagues, maintain our services and support our customers.

We expect the Covid19 disruption to continue for some time and although the effects should be temporary, we are aware that our borrowers may be financially impacted.

We have made a number of changes in response to the ongoing Covid19 outbreak:

  • Applications – We are continuing to accept applications as normal. Given the current situation and the impact on resources, we aim to assess new applications within 5 working days. Click here for more information.
  • Changes to lending criteria – changes made 31 March 2020 – full details here.
  • Recently placed cases – Pipeline cases will be honoured under our lending policy rules before the above changes were implemented and additional consideration applied to affordability. Consideration will be taken on all applications regarding affordability, job type and job sector.
  • Valuations/AVMs – Currently we are progressing applications as far as possible however, no physical valuations are currently being carried out. We will continue to use AVMs for some remortgages and further advances within the parameters of our current lending policy. We will not carry out an AVM for purchases or staircasing for shared ownership. Click here for full details.
  • Mortgage offers – We have responded to the government guidelines for customers whose home purchases have been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click through here for full details.
  • Signatures – We will accept scanned copies of signatures on mortgage application form declarations and offer documents. We still require a wet signature on the mortgage deed.
  • Completions – Our completions team are continuing to function as normal. Solicitors should apply for funds in the usual way, giving a minimum of 5 working days’ notice. Further details available here.
  • Conveyancers – We do not have any specific information regarding the ongoing operations of individual conveyancing firms and would advise applicants to speak to their conveyancer/solicitor directly.


We would like to thank you for your patience and will deal with enquiries as soon as we can. In these difficult times, we remain focused on providing you with the excellent service and support you have come to expect of us, and we thank you for your continued loyalty.


If you require any further assistance, please contact our Helpdesk in the normal way and regular updates will be available on our website under lending criteria.