Competing with direct insurers and comparison sites might seem daunting when talking about GI, but it’s important your client understands that you have their best interests at heart and can provide a bespoke and personal service – something that comparison sites can’t provide.

Competing with direct insurers and comparison sites might seem daunting when talking about GI, but it’s important your client understands that you have their best interests at heart and can provide a bespoke and personal service – something that comparison sites can’t provide.

The perceived ease and convenience of the internet is often the biggest challenge to overcome, which is why Paymentshield have created a ‘Beat The Internet’ webinar. It’s important your client understands that price isn’t everything; they need to ensure they’ll be properly covered and protected should anything go wrong.

Generally, clients aren’t always fully clued up on insurance jargon, excesses and hidden extras. Some sites might even make assumptions about your client and their house, and unless they’re aware of this, they may not think to double check. This could lead to some nasty surprises down the road.

Demonstrate your expertise and make sure your client understands that you’re there to provide a helping hand in the event of any eventualities.