Despite working through the night, Paymentshield were unable to restore service last night as they had hoped for but continue to do everything they can to get back up and running as soon as possible. As soon as they have a view of the updated timescales they’ll communicate out to partners and advisers.

They appreciate this continues to be a frustrating situation for those wanting to quote and submit business in order to protect their client’s homes and they’re sorry for the ongoing inconvenience this outage is causing.

They’re continuing to honour quotes due to go in risk
Although you’re currently unable to obtain quotes, submit business or access account information via Adviser Hub or partner systems we integrate with. Paymentshield are continuing to honour all quotes due to go on risk until everything is back up and running.

If you need proof of cover, please email and include the quote reference number, policyholder details and cover limits required.

What happens next
They will let you know more information as soon as we have it.

If you require urgent assistance, please call them on 0345 0615 100.