Paymentshield has launched a whitepaper which provides a comprehensive overview of the risks when customers choose to buy from aggregator sites, whilst also identifying the opportunities this creates for advisers in today’s market.

James Watson, Sales & Marketing Director commented “The value of advice cannot be underrated, meaning that financial advisers of all types need to understand and keep abreast of the general insurance market. They need to feel confident overcoming customer objections when they say “they can find it cheaper online” and educate customers about the savings they can provide in terms of reduced time, effort and stress.”

The whitepaper provides advisers with information on how to overcome customer objections and evidence to help educate customers on the potential problems of buying Home Insurance online rather than seeking professional advice.

Download the whitepaper here

Paymentshield have also produced an informative video for advisers on competing with direct writers.

Watch the video here.