We have been receiving a number of questions around how we plan to support our Customers around payment holidays during COVID-19.

To support you all, information is now available on our website which will hopefully answer all the queries you may have.

Please note – the following:-

Pepper Money will be able to consider a payment holiday of up to 3 months subject to the customers individual circumstances.

These are unprecedented times and at Pepper Money we will want to understand the real cause of the actual or anticipated financial difficulty and then discuss potential options with the customer.

Intermediary FAQ’s can be found here.

We recommend existing customers contact us directly for us to understand their individual circumstances so we can establish the right course of action for them.

In the first instance, please view our designated FAQ page  below. However, if there are further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us using the following email address: customerservice@pepper.money

View Customer FAQ’s can be found here