We are making some changes to our mortgage range

When you registered to do business with us, you provided your FCA registered address, including a postcode.  Our emails will always include this postcode near the top of the page so that you know they’re from us.

We would like to inform you that we are making some changes to our mortgage range including the following:

  • Mortgage products will now hold January end dates.
  • We are reintroducing the 65% and 80% LTV residential products.
  • Fixed rate residential products are increasing by up to 0.35% (bps)
  • Our discounted residential and buy to let products will maintain their current rate.

Previous versions of products will be removed from sale Monday 30th October 8pmThe new versions of the products will be live from Tuesday 31st October. 


We’re here to help

If you’ve any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact your dedicated Intermediary Support Team on 0330 333 4021. We’re available from 9am until 5pm every weekday (apart from Wednesday between 9 – 9:30am) and look forward to discussing new business enquiries with you.





Intermediary Support Team

0330 333 4021

Case Updates & 

Broker Support

0330 333 4029
