I am pleased to announce that Paragon will recommence physical property inspections from 20 May, an important step as the housing market continues its return to normality.

Paragon has continued to operate throughout the coronavirus pandemic, adopting desktop valuations and supporting our landlord customers in their growth ambitions. Returning to physical property assessment will enable us to undertake more complex buy-to-let propositions again and our in-house team of surveyors are looking forward to getting back on the road.

Of course, the safety of Paragon’s employees, customers and occupants of the properties we visit is of paramount importance to us and we have implemented a number of measures to minimise risks during this inspection.
These include:
• We will carry out a full assessment ahead of the valuation, requiring information on who will be in the property, whether they are self-isolating, have shown symptoms of Covid-19 or are classed as vulnerable. We will only confirm a property visit if we deem it to be safe
• We will be requiring the Landlord, Managing Agent or other access contact to meet our Surveyor at the property in order to provide safe access
• Our surveyor will have appropriate protective equipment available to help protect themselves and others in the property, including a face covering, gloves and shoe covers
• It is preferred that the property is vacated during the inspection or the occupants may be expected upon request to vacate rooms
• Our surveyor will maintain a distance of at least two metres from others in the property
• Our surveyor will refuse to enter or leave the property if they feel their safety maybe at risk, including where any occupier/tenant is not comfortable with the inspection taking place
• Our surveyor will keep their time spent at the property to an absolute minimum, including holding any necessary conversations outside
• To help protect occupiers of the property, our surveyor will spray sanitise any surface they touch
• Our surveyor will ask the landlord/tenant/managing agent to open all internal doors and windows to minimise surface contact and ensure the property is ventilated
We are working to undertake valuations booked before Government lockdown and will be in contact in due course to arrange those. Full details of our property inspection requirements will be provided on confirmation of the appointment.

Thank you for your patience, support and co-operation during this period.


Moray Hulme
Director of Mortgage Sales