Zurich have been sponsoring the Young Achiever Award since it began in 2017. The Protection Review award is open to anyone working in the protection or health insurance industry who is under 30, demonstrating outstanding knowledge and commitment in their field.

We caught up with the recent winner, Amy Jenney an Adviser for Cura Insurance, to find out more about the award and her ambitions for 2022.

How does it feel to be winner of the Young Achiever of the year award?

It’s certainly my career highlight to date. I was nominated by the Director at Cura, Kathryn Knowles for my ability to standout and have good knowledge of the industry despite being new to insurance and joining the team during the pandemic.

I was very shocked when my name was announced! I was shaking and so nervous, it was just very unexpected. Looking back at the event now, it has made me more confident

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