New Mortgage Product Range Launched – available on sourcing platforms + RBL intermediary website

I am pleased to share with you that as from today, Tuesday 22nd February, Reliance Bank have launched their NEW Mortgage Product Range to the intermediary Marketplace.

Our Product Range will be available on the following locations:

Key Highlights of the NEW Product Range

  • Have managed to MAINTAIN our Headline Interest Rates across the entire Product Range
  • MAINTAINED the popular CASHBACK available for our #SharedOwnership + #Keyworker Product Ranges
  • EXTENDED the “End Date” from 31st March to 31st July across the entire Product Range

For those advisers who are able to utilise the Twenty7tec APPLY Functionality, just a reminder that Reliance Bank are enabled to accept AIPs and FMAs via this platform.

Don’t forget, that we do ask all Advisers to call and discuss the application as well as checking affordability with one of the underwriters PRIOR to submission

Once again, on behalf of the rest of the team at Reliance Bank, we thank you for your ongoing and continued support for our small ethical bank, which is looking to provide a positive social impact to the UK Mortgage Market.