Every day a quick scan of the news reveals some new horror that will change the lives of those involved forever – the unlucky accident on the way to work, a tragic illness that cuts a young life short or the holiday accident that leaves more than just a scar to cope with.  We barely take notice of them as we get on with our day.  Those involved however have to pick up the pieces and in the world we live in there is very little in the way of support to help them.

How many of your clients still get 6 months paid sick leave? With the days of generous state support seemingly long gone, this combination is a powerful argument for comprehensive cover.  And yet take up of income protection remains stubbornly low.  Instead, people (though still not enough of them) buy life cover because we all die eventually right?  Well that’s true but most of us don’t die within our working lives.  The risk of long term absence from work, however, is much higher.

While clients will tell you that they can’t afford protection that’s not necessarily true either.  Take a look at our lifestyle calculator – even better get your clients to put their details into it.  It adds up the cost of all those incidental expenses we never budget for. They’ll be shocked at how much they could save and how much protection this could buy.

Find out more about our Income Protection.

AL P8 ON 0010 | October 2016