Helping Hand is the support service your clients automatically get access to with all advised Royal London protection plans – at no extra cost.

We helped over 1,000 customers and their families through difficult times last year. And because we appreciate everyone’s different, Helping Hand can be tailored to clients needs with a wide range of options:

1. A second medical opinion, when reassurance is needed
Mortgage Consultant Helen was only 39 when she was diagnosed with cancer. Her Helping Hand nurse arranged for a second medical opinion, which for Helen was a lifeline.

2. Support for the family, when everyone’s struggling
Our Helping Hand nurses support partners and children too. This meant when Jenny was going through cancer treatment, her husband Adam also had his own dedicated nurse to talk to.

3. Mental health support, because talking makes a difference
When Jade was off work with extreme stress, her Helping Hand nurse was there whenever she needed someone to speak to. She also arranged for her to see a life coach to help her focus on the future.

Read our blog to find out the four other ways Helping Hand supported Jill, Oliver, Adam and Steve.