Our online service makes the remote application process easy

During this uncertain time, it’s more important than ever to keep the application process straightforward for you and your clients.

So, if you’re having protection conversations remotely, our end-to-end, signature free online service makes completing and submitting applications quick and easy.

Our online service gives you:

An online dashboard – access your quotes and applications, as well as adding or amending start dates before a plan goes live.
Flexibility – complete an application yourself or send it to your clients to do in their own time. And our tracker means you can see exactly what stage they’re at.
An estimated decisions feature – check the impact of further disclosures.
A smart rules engine – your clients get targeted questions so cases are less likely to be referred to underwriters. This means more instant decisions online.

We’re here for you, so you can still be there for your clients.

Learn more

If you’re new to working remotely, our webinar will provide you with useful strategies to help you identify clients who will need your advice the most during this time, and give you tips on the best ways to communicate with them.

You’ll get advice on adapting your meeting processes and getting to grips with video calls, as well as different techniques to support remote conversations with your clients.

Shelley Read, Senior Protection Development and Technical Manager, also discusses the range of online tools and business support that’s available from Royal London to help you keep your business on track.