Detailed below is important information to speed up remortgage conveyancing on free legals cases:

  1. Before the case can be agreed by us
  • Make sure there aren’t any outstanding queries/documents.
  • Upload all responses/documents to MATS.
  • The conveyancing firm will be instructed once your case is agreed.
  1. Once the case has been agreed by us
  • Your client will receive an email, SMS or letter from the conveyancing firm to complete a remortgage questionnaire. 
  • Please make sure this is returned within five days as the conveyancer cannot start working on the case until the questionnaire has been received.
  1. Key stages which can cause delays
  • Completed mortgage deed from your client.
  • Return of certified ID if applicable.
  • Redemption statement from the existing lender.
  1. Conveyancing updates

Once your client’s case is offered, you’ll receive a MATS message to tell you the conveyancing firm.

  • For LMS appointed conveyancing firms: 
    • Use LMS STARS via a quick link on their website to get the latest updates on your cases.
    • If you need to register with LMS STARS, please call 0343 221 0610.
  • For Enact only:
    • Please call the Enact broker helpline on 0344 244 2962

To discuss further please call your dedicated contact.