Season greetings

Scottish Widows Protect are delighted to have played our part in helping Scottish Widows achieve a ‘5 star’ service award for Life & Pensions at this year’s Financial Adviser Service Awards.  This award recognises our tireless efforts to bring you the level of service you expect and we were thrilled to pick up the award for ‘most improved provider’ too.


Proactive support from beginning to end

We’ve really worked hard to give you the level of service you and your clients deserve.  With the focus on the complete end-to-end journey:

  • From the pre-sales underwriting support we offer both on and offline
  • To the way in which our medical and financial underwriting rules are optimised for straight through processing
  • And the dedicated case management we offer for referred cases
  • To the post-sale and claims support we offer advisers and clients.


Thank you for voting for us

We know that this is just the start of our journey and we’ll keep listening and improving to support your business better.  Please watch this short video to see how.


I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to working with you all in 2017.