Are you making the most of opportunities in protection?

When was the last time you made a particular focus on helping female clients protect their income? You may write lots of Income Protection (IP) business for women, or none at all, but the figures below show there is a large untapped market out there that you can engage with to enhance and grow your business.

A report by the Chartered Insurance Institute has found that there are certain stages in the lives of women, where certain circumstances mean they are more likely to take time off work due to illness or an injury. Some key statistics from the report are:

  • For a third of women in their thirties, they would struggle financially if they lost main income source;
  • More than one in 10 women suffer post-natal depression the year after giving birth;
  • 53% of women in their 30s and 40s have suffered mental health conditions.

You can see from the above statistics, that there are many women who may not be able to cope financially if they were unable to work for a period of time. By raising awareness of having a financial safety net in place, you can ensure that your female clients can afford bills and other essential expenses, until they are able to return to work.

Shepherds Friendly Income Protection could help your clients have that safety net, by covering up to 70% of their income over the short or long-term. Our 5 Star Defaqto rated plan offers a range of added benefits, including no loading of premiums for smoker status, occupation or BMI (max. 38) and a choice of flexible waiting periods from day one all the way to 52 weeks.

For more information, our Business Development Team will be more than happy to help on, or 0161 495 6495. You can also click here to visit our intermediary website to find out more features about the plan, including the competitive levels of commission you will receive for submitting business!