We recognise this is a difficult time given the current circumstances, and as we all continue to adjust to new ways of working and many of us continue to work from home, there are a number of lesser seen risk factors coming to light.

Our new infographic highlights some of the health risks associated with working from home for your clients to watch out for, to help support employees’ health, wellbeing and everyday performance.

Risk factors infographic

Coronavirus has presented a number of challenges to employees’ everyday health. Here we help you address these concerns with your clients and encourage a preventative approach to employee health.

Download your copy

1 www.versusarthritis.org
2 www.mind.org.uk/media-a/5929/the-mental-health-emergency_a4_final.pdf

Melissa Sparrock
Business Development Consultant

Get in touch with me to talk about your clients health and wellbeing needs. Call 0344 579 2485 or email me.

Email Melissa

To contact the Simplyhealth Team

Email: intermediary.team@simplyhealth.co.uk

Visit: simplyhealth.co.uk/intermediaries

NEW – Facing the New World Together webinar series

Book your place

Join us as we discuss health insurance in the new world

We recently told you how we teamed up with Cover magazine to investigate the changing environment as a result of Covid-19 and it’s impact on businesses and the healthcare industry.

Our research highlighted the way businesses have needed to adapt throughout the pandemic and how their perspective on employee health and wellbeing will continue to evolve in both the short and the long-term.

We’d love you to join us for our interactive webinar series as we explore these findings further and hear the full analysis from our experts.

Future Thinking

2nd February 2021

10:00am till 11:00am

Guest speakers:

Dean Smith
Business Development Manager, Simplyhealth

Catherine Rutland
Clinical Director, Simplyhealth

Working Together

9th February 2021

10:00am till 11:00am

Guest speakers:

Angela Sherwood
Chief People Officer, Simplyhealth

Sally Gunnell