In order to best support our existing customers in these unprecedented times, we have made the difficult decision to stop accepting new mortgage applications with immediate effect up to the 15th of April 2020.

Pipeline DIP Application

In cases of any DIP application in the pipeline please be advised that the issuance of DIP is on hold until the 15th of April 2020 and the application of DIP will be processed after that date.

Pipeline Application without valuation report

If you have an existing Full Application where a DIP have been issued but the valuation has not taken place; then the case will be assessed up to valuation and then be put on hold for the time being. All valuations are currently on hold until further notice.

Pipeline Application with valuation report

If you have an existing Full Application where a DIP have been issued and the valuation report have been provided; then the case can complete, subject to conveyancing.

Support for SBI customers impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19)

As the impact of coronavirus is felt across the UK, your client may wish to take a mortgage payment holiday.

Your client can contact us by calling us on 0344 967 1860. We’re currently dealing with a much higher number of phone calls than usual, so your client may find it quickest to ask fo4 a payment holiday by sending us an email to