Due to the constant change and strain on the UK healthcare system, and the increasingly busy lives of your clients, the need for quality, convenient healthcare has never been greater.

LV= is helping by giving access to LV= Doctor Services for all new clients at no extra cost. They get fast and convenient access to expert medical services, a tangible benefit that they can use immediately.

Recently they extended the LV= Doctor Services offering by providing clients with access to three further expert medical services, all conveniently accessible via an app on a smart phone, tablet, or simply by calling Square Health.

Remote GP – speak to a UK doctor to talk through any health or medical concerns by video or phone consultation (up to 5 times per year)

Prescription Services – Get a private prescription without the need to visit your local GP

Second Opinion – Check a diagnosis and get advice on treatment options available with a UK medical specialist by video or face-to-face consultation

Remote Physiotherapy – Get remote access to up to five free sessions with a UK trained physiotherapist and receive a bespoke treatment plan

Remote Psychological Services – Get access to five sessions of mental health support from a network of highly trained therapists

Discounted Health MOTs – Provides clients with an assessment of overall health, identifying any health risks and areas of improvement. This is accessible by calling Square Health directly.

In summary, LV= Doctor Services now covers:



If you would like to know more about LV= Doctor Services, click on the link above, speak to your usual LV= Account Manager or call 0800 032 4219.

LV= Doctor Services is a non-contractual benefit and can be changed or removed at any time. This service is provided by Square Health Limited and is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.
