Raising capital in later life can often be a challenge – with High Street Lenders there is often an age cut off which can limit the choices for borrowers. Then, there are specialist lenders who can cater for a wider set of circumstances including later life lending.

TFC Homeloans have access to lenders who can lend both in and into later life.  Check out some of the criteria we can help package:

  • State and Private Pension considered
  • No maximum age
  • Interest only considered

It is true that brokers can go to many of these lenders direct but there are some significant benefits to using TFC as your packager.

  • When you use a packager you will get access to packager exclusive products. These products are not available direct, so always worth a look!
  • Later life mortgage applications can involve a fair amount of administration. Each case is assigned to an expert case manager and underwriter who will provide an umbrella of support to you throughout the process. We will look after the case while you look after your client – you will still get paid great commission from TFC.
  • TFC lives and breathes specialist mortgages and we are highly skilled in niche markets. We can help you place clients with the most appropriate lenders and products for their situation.
  • Our packaging fee for first charge mortgages is just £195 on application or £495 on completion – whichever is best for your client; you simply add your advice fee on top.
  • You will always get service with a smile at TFC – we put service at the heart of our operations because we understand that the broker is central to our business.

If you are struggling with placement of a case please give TFC a call on 0161 694 7900 or email us on info@tfchomeloans.com. If you have a case to DIP please click here to login to 1APP.

Don’t want to use a packager? Refer to The Right Mortgage and Earn 50%