All our members and their immediate family have access to our HealthWise app. The app provides access to health and wellbeing services, bespoke to their policy. The services available include GP-on-demand, a second medical opinion, physiotherapy^, mental health support^, lifestyle-coaching* and nutritional advice*.

The app provides a digital experience with all the convenience that technology brings; speed and accessibility complemented by the personal and trustworthy benefits that come from a human touch.

How does it work?

Once a member has downloaded and registered to use the app, they can book an appointment with a GP or health specialist at a time that suits them. What’s more, members have the option to choose their specialist, which is especially important for individuals who feel more comfortable to discuss their concerns with a specific gender. This can take place via video or telephone-call.

During this initial consultation, the member and treating specialist will discuss the next appropriate action. Depending on the service used, advice may be given on how to manage their condition, or a tailored treatment plan may be prescribed, recommending the next stage of treatment or support.

A digital service with a human connection

When it comes to the important ‘stuff’ such as people’s health and wellbeing, we understand the value of speaking to a real person to gain trusted advice. We also understand that people are busy so need to access services fast and at a time that suits them.

Using digital services such as video-calls and consultations or simply talking over the phone means our members can talk to an expert at their own convenience, without disrupting their busy lives.

Member appetite for digital services

Since its launch 9 months ago, HealthWise has highlighted a growing appetite for digital healthcare services amongst our members.  74% of members who have used HealthWise have accessed services via the app with more than half of treatment outcomes for physiotherapy and mental health being delivered digitally.

We want to offer a convenient and personal member benefits service with our HealthWise app, and we are delighted that our members are choosing to use it to help manage their health and wellbeing positively.

To find out more and to begin working with an award-winning insurer, why not organise a webinar or meeting with The Exeter sales team on 0300 123 3207 or email us at

HealthWise is powered by Square Health

^For our income protection and health insurance members only
*For our life members only