Income protection from The Exeter doesn’t just cover long-term illnesses for the times when your clients are too ill to work. We cover any illness or injury that stops your clients from working.

Viruses can be bad for your clients’ financial health

Some illnesses such as flu and chickenpox may only require your clients to take a week or two off work, but this could have a negative financial impact if they don’t receive employer sick pay and are only entitled to Statutory Sick Pay at £94.25 a week1.

Self-employed people can claim Employment and Support Allowance which provides just £73.10 a week1, however it’s means-tested and can be a long and complicated application process.

Although illnesses can impact your client’s physical health, it needn’t affect their financial health too.

Removing income breaks for your clients

If your clients, without any employer sick pay, choose our Day 1 waiting period, they will receive their benefit as soon as they are too ill to work.

This can give your clients the comfort that there won’t be a break in their income, even if they just need to take time off for a short-term illness.

11% of our claims were for infections

11% of our claims paid in 2018 were for infections such as the flu, sickness bugs, laryngitis, chickenpox and tonsillitis2. Even if your clients are only ill for a short time, it’s good to know that, if they need it, they can protect their income.

For more information on Income Protection from the Exeter please email or call us on 0300 123 3207.

  1. GOV.UK
  2. The Exeter claims data 2018