The Exeter is dedicated to changing the face of insurance for the better.

They’ve just released a real-life claim story about Adam, a customer who suffered life-threatening injuries after a horrifying road traffic accident. Click here to download it.

Here’s how Adam’s story can help you sell the importance of income protection to your clients:

  • While many of us think we’re invincible, Adam was not at fault for his accident, being struck by a heavy goods vehicle whilst in stationary traffic. How would your clients survive if their capacity to earn was taken away in a matter of seconds?
  • Paid claims percentages are important, but behind each claim is a story that’s much more powerful. If your clients respond emotionally to Adam’s story, it could make them think twice about the importance of having protection in place in case the worst happens
  • Challenge the perception that insurers will do anything to avoid paying claims. Adam’s story shouts loud and clear that, of all the organisations he had to deal with following the accident, The Exeter was the only one that made the process simple and hassle-free.

Click here to download Adam’s story.

To receive paper copies, simply email with your request.

For any other questions about income protection from The Exeter, contact the sales team on 0300 123 3207 or email


The Exeter – delivering for your clients in the moment of truth



