Income protection can be complex, but with The Exeter you can guarantee a simple approach.

Our new range of Plus products include an improved waiver of premium feature as standard – something that’s easy to overlook but could save your clients a lot of money.

How does it work?

With our new waiver of premium feature, when your clients make a claim they only have to pay their premiums during their waiting period. We will then pay the premiums until their claim ends.

How does it compare?

Some providers charge your clients extra to have waiver of premium, but for us it’s an important benefit that’s included as standard on our plans.

Other providers don’t waive premiums until much later into a claim – in some cases a whole year after it started, regardless of waiting period. On a Day 1 policy that’s a substantial cost that your clients would save with a policy from The Exeter.

Don’t forget

In addition to our improved waiver of premium feature, our new range of Plus products include a number of other benefits to simplify your conversations:

  • Improved benefit fix options for a quicker, more stress free claim process
  • Guaranteed Insurability Options included as standard
  • No deduction of state benefits from your client’s benefit


So what are you waiting for?

Download our new sales guide for advisers here for details of all our new enhancements.

Transform your income protection sales with The Exeter’s new income protection range. Call 0300 123 3207 or email today.

