Marsden Building Society’s is to keep improving on how we support
you and your clients…

As we head into the New Year, the Marsden wanted to look back at what they’ve changed to help support you and your clients in 2016, as well as highlighting what their continued focus is for the new year too.

Marsden’s resolution this year was to improve their service and they’re immensely proud of what’s been achieved and hope you agree that they’ve certainly made some headway in improving their delivery to you.

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So what’s changed this year?

  • Marsden’s taken over 4,000 calls supporting you
  • They’ve reduced our application processing times from 9 days to 1
  • They’re ‘time to offer service has reduced by over 65% with average turnaround times now 15 days
  • 100% of intermediaries who have used the Marsden this year would recommend them to a colleague
  • Reduced AIP service times by 50% down from 48 hours to 24
  • All this, and they’ve seen an increase in lending volumes of +45%

For 2017, the Marsden continue to review the best ways they can support you so they’re updating their website, reviewing online platforms and continuously monitoring their products. So… with their resolution set, they are challenging brokers to get in touch with the Marsden and see how they can help support you and your clients in 2017….

If you’d like to know more, get in touch with the Marsden Intermediary team on
01282 440583*