Here at Health Assured, improving your mental health is our number one goal. Which is why we’re excited to announce this month’s topic for the Mental Health Hour – our monthly Q&A session hosted on Instagram stories.

This Thursday’s topic is ‘Supporting loved ones with their mental health‘ with in-house counsellor, Sarah.

How can I get involved?
Our Q&A box goes live 24 hours before the session on Wednesday at 9am – head over to our Instagram stories via our page @healthassured_ now for all the updates.
We welcome all your Q’s on the topic whether it’s ‘signs someone is struggling’, ‘how to help someone with their mental health’ or ‘how to cope yourself whilst supporting a loved one’. If you have a question – it’s likely that someone else will too.

At 12pm on Thursday 28th April, The Mental Health Hour will begin! Our counsellors answers to your questions will be posted via our Instagram stories. And don’t worry, if you don’t catch the answers in time, we will save each session as a ‘highlight’ that you can view anytime, anywhere. A PDF of all the questions and answers will also be featured in the following month’s employee newsletter.

Many thanks,

The Health Assured Team