We have paused residential applications with immediate effect in response to the health crisis and the current state of the capital markets used for securitisation.

We will continue to accept buy- to- let applications however, as the funding for these mortgages are not dependent on capital markets.  

We are also exploring further use of desktop valuations (AVMs) in view of the government’s social distancing instructions. 

Peter Beaumont, deputy chief executive of TML, said: “It is right for us to pause residential applications at this time. Our staff are focused on supporting our customers and business partners in the coming weeks. 

“All staff are now working remotely and we are collaborating to maintain health and wellbeing as we get used to new ways of working. Our teams are also actively supporting customers who are impacted by Covid-19 at this challenging time.”  

He added: We are continuously reviewing our forbearance policies to make sure we are doing everything we can, this includes the option of payment holidays for up to three months, in line with the recent government announcement. 

“We will provide regular updates for our customers and partners over the coming weeks.” 

Contacting our underwriters and service teams:

Our teams can all be contacted on our usual numbers.

Tel: 0344 257 0416 – Opening hours 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday
Email: info@themortgagelender.com


Tel: 0344 257 0421 – Opening hours 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday
Email: newlending@themortgagelender.com


Tel: 0344 257 0426 – Opening hours 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday
Email: completions@themortgagelender.com

Payment holidays for clients in financial difficulty please include any website links or helpline telephone number:

We have a dedicated Covid-19 hotline 0344 257 0427 for customers who may be unable to make their next payment. We ask that only customers who are concerned about making their next mortgage payment contact us so we can help those most in need.

We will provide customers with the UK Finance Handbook information here.

We have a dedicated and expanded team working to take calls for customers experiencing payment difficulties due to the current situation.

We will place messages on our website to provide customers with necessary information such as the number to call and links to helpful advice sites.

A payment holiday can be granted to customers who are impacted directly or indirectly by the Covid-19 outbreak a payment holiday of up to 3 months.

Arrears management process if not allowing payment holidays:

The Mortgage Lender is permitting Payment Holidays but also has a range of forbearance options customers can discuss with our specialist teams.